finally, a pregnancy plan of action!

February 8, 2008

so, as you may know, there has been some debate as to how i should proceed with this pregnancy, given my history. for those who don’t know, i have a hard time getting to term. the diagnosis is very much debatable, an incompetent cervix or preterm labor or a bit of both? on the advice of at least three obstetricians, we had made the decision to have a preventative cerclage placed (a stitch to hold my cervix closed). i wasn’t 100% comfortable with it, in fact it scared the crap out of me, but since it tends to get worse with each pregnancy it seemed prudent. then there was the battle of finding a doctor who could perform the surgery (most don’t, it’s a specialty), who takes my insurance, could see me before march, and was female. that was fun. finally did it, got the appointment, hubby got time off work to go with me, and this doctor decided that i was not a good candidate for the surgery at this time. serial ultrasounds, a special “high risk” clinic, and progesterone injections were her recommendations. after much thought, endless discussion with both my husband and my mom (who has a similar history but got the cerclage in 1989), and prayer, we have decided to go with the spirit of her recommendations, if not the actual treatments. instead of multiple ultrasounds and a special clinic (which this doctor later informed us isn’t currently up and running anyway), my midwife (and her student!) will follow me closely. instead of adding progesterone to already normal levels, i will continue taking herbs to relax my uterus (it’s working, i can make a sandwich now without cramping!). i am continuing with reduced activity as tolerated, even though all that’s tolerated is partial bed rest. so that part does suck. i may go back to the doctor for a couple of cervical length ultrasounds, but certainly not as many as she recommended and nowhere near the number i had with bean. and instead of scared but accepting, i feel really really good about this plan.

i also have to say, i love my relief society presidency! they came over to the house and pretty much insisted that we let them help out. they are now organizing volunteers for bringing in dinner on tuesdays and thursdays, doing occasional child-wrangling, and helping us pack up to move (which, by the way, is happening at the end of the month. we got word yesterday that we got the apartment we wanted, yay!). they are awesome, i freakin LOVE my ward! i’m so glad we get to stay.

so there’s our plan.  pretty low tech, especially considering that a week and a half ago we were thinking surgery.  but like i said, i feel way better about this plan than the other and that counts for a lot.

2 Responses to “finally, a pregnancy plan of action!”

  1. I’m so glad you don’t have to have surgery and that you can make a sandwich without cramping! Who is helping you pack and cook and stuff? Thats so awesome! Something to do with the church I assume… Well you can use all the help you can get to stay off your feet with two kids!

  2. melissa said

    wow! sounds like you have a fantastic ward! I hope things go well!

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